Sunday, January 31, 2016

Boat Kits and Information About Kits

'Tis the season for kitting out boats here in the shop. It is keeping the business very busy as we finalize the Goat Island Skiff kits and in January...
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Some Articles on My Boats

Recently two came out, one in Small Boats Monthly and the other on the brand new, UK-based Barnacle Bill. Small Boats covered the Calendar Islands Yawl...
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New Stitch and Glue Dinghy

Congrats to Barbara Simon, the new owner of the Willard Beach Dory (WBD), a new stitch-and-glue dory skiff drawn by Roger Long who has retired and is...
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Open Water Rowing in Casco Bay

"I like to get out there sit in the swell and look out" is how I think of a pleasant row in my home waters of Casco Bay, Maine. Along with dreaming of...
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Didi 950 Downunder

I have shown the Building the saloon settees.Looking forward at the foredeck, with deck beam flange being laminated.This is the second boat of our design...
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Calendar Islands Yawl Modeling Continued

Fleshing out the Calendar Islands YawlModeling the InteriorWhile I am actually breaking out the geometry of the final 3D computer model, the interior...
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Saturday, January 30, 2016

Ulua by Dennis Bullen

 Newly launched, Den's 24' Ulua cranking it on out in the Manukau Harbor, New Zealand with a temporary windsurf sail.  A more crab claw styled...
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A trip to sail the Deer Isle Koster aka, "KDI"

The Deer Isle Koster is a new kit that will hit the market by November. We are very excited aboutthis addition to the catalog. I finally had a chance...
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Summer Sailing in Sweden

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2Oceans 1Rock

 2Oceans 1RockIt's rare to hear such solid advice as this and I think the guy may have a chance.Equipment Failure: Anyone who has sailed offshore...
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Didi 950 Hulls Taking Shape

The First layer of radius being fitted to Mike's boat.The rebate along the edge of the side panel can be seen in this photo.Final hull shape starting...
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Friday, January 29, 2016

construction commences!

about a year late... but hey. what can you do. hopefully it will all be done in time for the states on the 19th of april. if the new foil's maiden voyage...
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Anthony Steward - Around Alone in an Open Boat

More than 20 years ago Anthony Steward sailed around the world on a tiny open boat. He took the mould plug from my Ant Steward's little boat shipwrecked...
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Sail rigs delivered, launched, and being shaped

Drop in Sail rig, ready to go with custom canvas sailbag.Yawldory Elyssa just launched. We built the masts and spars.Caledonia Yawl birdsmouth-hollow...
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went out today for a few hours to test the new modifications. conditions were like 3 to 12kts. anything above about 8 i was foiling, though probably needed...
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Team Pure and Wild

Team Pure and Wild should win the Race to Alaska if they keep it all together and right side ...
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Thursday, January 28, 2016


For those who aren't all over it yet, grasshopper is a plugin for Rhino that allows you to build 3d models parametrically. You can choose to model...
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Stability with Water Ballast

A potential builder of the Didi 950 Stability Graph. Click to enlarge.With no wind or waves and the ballast tanks on one side filled, the boat will not...
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Radial Brailing

I'd been using this brailing line setup for a few years on my own Ulua so when Dennis Bullen asked me to make a sail, by cutting down an old genoa jib, ...
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"Black Cat" wins Governor's Cup Race

Yesterday "Black Cat", the "Black Cat" finishing the Governor's Cup Race. Photo courtesy of What The Saints Did Next.When I wrote my piece yesterday...
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Capsizing Big Sailboats

The article about our January capsize in the Cape to Rio Race is now in print in Graphic from Professional Boatbuilder magazine of the start of the capsize.In...
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Sanding and Fairing 101

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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Family & Corporate Boatbuilding

Some new photos up at my Flickr site for the two past corporate and family boatbuilding events at Mystic Seaport.One thing we love is that all our participants...
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Sail Plan for CIY

The Calendar Islands Yawl will be a lug-yawl rig. Details forthcoming!! Stay tuned for the quarter scale model of the boat. I'll be assembling the...
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Didi 950 - Up and Over

This seems to be a period of hull-turning. About 10 days ago I posted about the Axle bolted to bow.Lifted on engine hoists and turn started.Cradle ready...
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Update on Projects

It has been awhile so this is a quick overall update on projects:* Goat Island Skiff kits can be cut anytime. Marketing for kits will begin by late Winter...
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Happy September!

Late Summer Update and AnnouncementThe KDI project is fully funded thanks to a group of enthusiastic sponsors. Thank you! I now have a lot of work to...
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Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Finally got around to watching my interview from the worlds. Knowing full well that i'm a pretty rough looking bloke I was putting off watching at it...
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Argie 15 People Carrier

I have written here before about the versatility of the Argie 15. This week I watched a video posted on YouTube by Özden Oğul, of two couples sailing...
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Hull-Turning of Didi 23

Steve Watson is building a Pulled out of the garage.Half-way over. A hull is intimidating in this position and must be controlled. Gravity can quickly...
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The Bionic Broomstick

Skip Johnson has been working at the bleeding edge of experimental, backyard proa design and construction. ...
The photo shows the proa tipped on it's side with the ama in the air.  The rigid wing sail is lying on the grass.  Since proas sail in either direction, there is a cassette rudder at each end.
Skip is not exactly new to this sort of thing having built a larger proa some years ago.
Here's a great video about Skip and the kayaks he's designed and built.

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Paper Jet Prototype for Sale

I designed the Paper Jet in una-rig Lite format.It has proven capable of doing all that I intended, although I have used my prototype #001 as a single-hander...
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