I would have to dig deep in my files to find when Didi Mini Mk3 sheet fresh from the CNC router.The plywood components are held in place in the sheets by thin tabs that are left between the full-depth cuts. They are released from the sheets by cutting through the tabs with a box-cutter or jigsaw. This system keeps the plywood as full 8x4 sheets for easy packaging and protection of the components from loss or damage.
Didi Mini Mk3 hull skin panels with jigsaw joints.
The Didi Mini Mk3 is one of the first boats that I converted to jigsaw joints instead of the stepped scarph joints that we used previously. This results in easier assembly and is easier to cut, with less machine time involved. These two panels both show a narrow cut on one side and a wide cut on the other. The wide cut is at the junction between flat and radiused panels, so it has a half-depth rebate pre-cut full length of the panel for the structural joint of the radius panel to the flat sheet.
When this kit is out of the shop, the next will start cutting. This is for a Didi Sport 15 to fill an order from a South African builder.
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