I have recently added two new radius chine plywood designs to our range and wrote about them on this blog. Here are updates on both boats.
Yesterday I visited the prototype of the Hunter Gall's DS15 project nearing completionOther news on the Didi 950, bigger sister to the DS15 One of those boats will result in a variation on the design, with a lifting keel. A lifting keel was part of the original concept for the builder of the prototype but he decided in the end on the simplicity of a fixed keel. The lifting keel proved to be a very viable option, using the same basic keel support arrangement as the fixed keel with no structural redesign. The major difference will be moving the motor aft to a position under the companionway, driving a saildrive rather than a shaft. This is to make room for the lifting keel to rise through the galley central locker unit.
The prototype of this design is to be built in Ohio, USA. The others that have been ordered will be built in Australia, Latvia and Greece. There is interest from other countries as well.
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