I am starting work on our 2014 calendar and I am still looking for a few more photos to complete the 12 months plus cover that I need. If you have any nice photos of your boat of our design that you would like to be featured in this edition, please send them to me. The boat doesn't have to be sailing or even in the water yet. If the photo is clear and interesting then we might use it. It also needs to be at least 300dpi resolution, preferably more.
Cover from 2013 Calendar, with Italian Dix 38 "Imagine".
August photo, Challenger 13 in Lithuania.
Boat size is not important, as long as the photo is interesting and high quality. We even have our smallest design, the Dixi Dinghy in the 2013 calendar in a photo that caught my attention.
To see our range of boat designs, please go to / .
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